Jeanne Cannizzo CV
Citizenship: Canadian
Email: jec1@live.ca
Ph.D. University of Washington 1978 in Anthropology
M.A. University of Toronto 1973 in Anthropology
B.A. (with distinction) University of Wisconsin 1970 in International Relations
Freelance curator and artist 2010-present
Senior Lecturer, Social Anthropology, University of Edinburgh 1996 – 2009
Lecturer, Social Anthropology, University of Edinburgh 1994-96
Visiting Fellow, Centre for Canadian Studies, University of Edinburgh 1993
Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Toronto, Museums Studies Programme, Curriculum Development Project 1992
Associate Curator and Research Associate, Ethnology, Royal Ontario Museum 1987-1992
Assistant Professor, Anthropology, University of Western Ontario 1980-1986
Visiting Assistant Professor, Anthropology and Women’s Studies, University of Victoria, British Columbia
Selected Exhibitions as Curator and Researcher
forthcoming – exhibition by Cannizzo for Special Collections and Archives, University of Victoria, Canada
From Digit to Bridgit : Letters from Sir William Orpen to Lady Glenavy, exhibition in Special Collections and Archives, University of Victoria, Canada
Wrapping Crocs: Contemporary Art and Egyptomania – exhibition proposal in circulation
Research trip to view and photograph the Lawrence Collection of Egyptian artefacts, Girton College, Cambridge University
A Study in Contrast: Sybil Andrews and Gwenda Morgan, major exhibition, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
‘Recent Donations’ rehang of the curatorial hall and Board room, Art Gallery of Victoria
‘The Colour Blue’ – rehang of the curatorial hall and Boardroom, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
‘Nudes’ – rehang of the curatorial hall and Boardroom, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
‘Marine Art’ – rehang of the Spencer mansion, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
‘Portraits of Families’ -rehang of the Spencer mansion, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
2010 – 2014
Collections/curatorial research on the historical British collections, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Small grant from the ‘Dean’s Research Fund’, University of Edinburgh, for collaborative and interdisciplinary project with artist Joan Smith from the Edinburgh College of art, for creating new art forms based on a 19th century cast of a flayed man
Small research grant from the School of Social and Political Thought, University of Edinburgh, for travel and research at the Art Basel /Miami Beach Art Fair.
Our Highland Home: Queen Victoria and Prince Albert in Scotland, exhibition guest curator, and sole author of an accompanying book of the same title, Scottish National Portrait Gallery
‘Heads and Bodies: Fragments and Restoration’, paper presentation, performance and exhibition curator at the Fragmented Figure conference held at the Cardiff School of Art and Design. On ancient Mesoamerican clay heads, the paper was later published in Vol. 8 Interpreting Ceramics, the first refereed, electronic journal for ceramics.
Mask identification for the Museum of Ethnography, Stockholm
Research consultant on a small collection of 19th c Sudanese textiles and weapons, Blair Castle, Scotland
Arts and Humanities Research Board grant for a research appointment at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery to find out more about artist James Hope Stewart who painted Queen Victoria and Prince Albert during one of their visits to Scotland
O! Caledonia: Sir Walter Scott and the Creation of Scotland Exhibition (sole curator), Scottish Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh
Fifty years of Anthropology at Edinburgh, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Edinburgh for the Boundaries and Identities conference, curator
David Livingston and the Victorian Encounter with Africa Exhibition (co-curator with Dr Peter Funnell), National Portrait Gallery, London and Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh
Curatorial consultant for Masks exhibition, Royal Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh
Exhibitions as Artist
Borders, group exhibition at Nolias Gallery, London, U.K. installation/sculptural piece called ‘On Guard for Thee’ by Cannizzo
Cahoots, by invitation, curated group exhibition, one joint work with Tony Bounsell, Slide Room Gallery, Victoria, B.C. Canada
Three Series, solo exhibition of drawings and sculpture by Cannizzo, Winchester Modern, commercial gallery, Victoria, B.C.
Difference and Repetition, by invitation, curated group exhibition, Slide Room Gallery, Victoria, B.C. Canada – 1 collage by Cannizzo
Smugglerius Unveiled, an installation of draped artwork by Joan Smith and Jeanne Cannizzo, with photography by Caroline Douglas, Georgian Gallery at the Talbot Rice, University of Edinburgh
Society of Scottish Artists Annual Exhibition, Dundee, juried group exhibition, ‘Miami Cop’ by Cannizzo, and contribution to a collaborative art project, Juteopolis, which was also on display
Evocative Portraits/Emotions on the Surface, juried group exhibition at The Von Liebig Art Centre, Naples, Florida – one painting by Cannizzo
Still Lifes: Marianna Gartner, catalogue essay by Cannizzo for exhibition at Galerie Michael Haas, Berlin
‘A Naval Cadet’ essay in The Unknown Sitter, an internet based project involving scholars from different disciplines interpreting, for a general public, paintings and photographs of unknown sitters. Originators: Dr Nick Bird and Dr Laura Perry
‘Alikali Devils of Sierra Leone’ pgs 167-180 in Playful Performers: African Children’s Masquerades, David Brinkley and Simon Ottenberg, New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Books/Rutgers University Press
‘He was a gentleman even to his dogs: portraits of Scott and his canine companions’ in Abbotsford and Sir Walter Scott, ed. Ian G. Brown. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.
‘Insideout: Cultural production in the Museum and the Academy’ in Museum and Academic Anthropology, ed. Mary Bouquet. Oxford: Berghan.
‘Monumental Images: Sir Walter Scott’ in Museums and Cultural Identity. eds. Magnus Fladmark and R. Strachan, Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University Press
0! Caledonia: Sir Walter Scott and the Creation of Scotland CD-ROM, Scottish Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh- 5.5 hours in length, which accompanied the exhibition
“Inside Out: Cultural Production in the Museum and the Academy” in Focaal 36: 163-175 (journal of anthropology in Dutch and English)
“Gathering Souls and Objects: Missionary Collections” in Colonialism and the Object. eds. Tim Barringer and Tom Flynn, London: Routledge
“Dr. Livingston Collects” in David Livingstone and the Victorian Encounter with Africa, ed. John Mackenzie, London: National Portrait Gallery
“Anthropology of Art” and “Museums” entries in Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Social and Cultural Anthropology, eds. Alan Barnard and Jonathan Spencer London: Routledge
Museum Studies at Edinburgh: a feasibility study, Development Trust, University of Edinburgh – unpublished document for senior management
External reader of text and labels for ‘The Draped Interior’ gallery, Royal Museum of Scotland
“How Sweet it is: Cultural Politics in Barbados” in Museum Provision and Professionalism, ed. Gaynor Kavanagh, London: Routledge
“Museum Theatre: Trail Blazer or Camp Follower” with David Parry, in Museums and the Appropriation of Culture, ed. Susan Pearce, London: Athlone Press
Consultant’s report for further development of European Heritage Days, for the Scottish Civic Trust, Glasgow
Invited Lectures
2018 – forthcoming
Workshop for post-graduates on displaying archival materials, Special Collections and Archives, University of Victoria
Behind the Scenes, public lecture, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
‘Maritime Art’ in the Spencer mansion, lecture for docents, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
‘Family Portraits’ at the Spencer mansion, lecture for docents, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
‘Material Matters’, invited paper at the seminar Dysfunctional Object, an event for artist Claire Barclay’s sculpture exhibition, Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh
‘Cool Stone, Hot Hands’, invited paper, at Milestone, Live Carve and exhibition, Edinburgh College of Art
‘Smugglerius: A Life from Criminal to Cast’, lecture, Edinburgh Cast Collection exhibition, Edinburgh College of Art
‘More is More’, public lecture, Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh
‘Photography and Visual Ethnography’, discussion panel on photographer Nicky Bird’s Beneath the Surface/Hidden Place, Stills Photographic Gallery, Edinburgh.
‘Depictions of rural landscape’, invited paper, Centenary Workshops, Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland.
‘Behind the Scenes: Victoria and Albert at home in Scotland’, public lecture, Art Association of Southwestern Florida, Naples, Florida
‘Art as a cultural process’, public lecture, Von Liebig Art Center, Naples, Florida
‘Hope James Stewart: recent discoveries’, Scottish National Portrait Gallery
‘An Anatomical Mystery: Dr Knox, Burke and Hare’, Scottish National Portrait Gallery
‘Kith and Kin’, Scottish National Portrait Gallery
‘Christian Monuments and Multicultural Scotland’, Ancient Monuments Board, Edinburgh
‘The Making of an Exhibition’, Scottish National Portrait Gallery
‘Behind the Scenes’, public lecture, The Scottish Society, Edinburgh
‘Sir John Ross’, Scottish National Portrait Gallery
‘The Mythmakers’ curatorial workshop, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto
’R.D. Laing’, Scottish National Portrait Gallery
‘Lord Kames’, Scottish National Portrait Gallery
‘The Enchantment of Technology: Domestic Appliances and Social Life’, Royal Museum of Scotland
‘James Murray and the conquest of Quebec’, Scottish National Portrait Gallery
‘Collections and the complexities of curation’, Museum/Gallery Studies, University of St
‘Sir James Frazer’, Scottish National Portrait Gallery
‘Looking for Livingstone’, National Portrait Gallery, London
‘Collecting Art and Culture in Africa’, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow
‘Sir William Robertson in his own words’, Scottish National Portrait Gallery
‘Museums and National Identity’, Museum/Gallery Studies, University of St Andrews
‘Tears of the Sun’, Royal Museum of Scotland
‘Herbert Spencer’, Scottish National Portrait Gallery
‘Head by Emile Nolde’, Scottish Gallery of Modern Art
‘Repatriation of Cultural Heritage’, Museum/Gallery Studies, University of St Andrews
‘Entangled Lives, Entangled Objects: Collecting in the Pacific’, Royal Museum of Scotland
‘John Sakeouse: Inuit Hunter’, Scottish National Portrait Gallery
‘The Museum as Vision’, Museum/Gallery Studies, University of St Andrews
What Lies Beneath: Exploring the affective presence & emotive materiality of human bones, a seminar series and a workshop (with Joan Smith) which I helped organize as one of a three member ‘Bones Collective’ based in the Social Anthropology department of the University of Edinburgh
Conference Organising Committee, Tour guide, and paper presenter, ‘Abbotsford and Sir Walter Scott: the image and the influence’, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh and Abbotsford House
‘Portrait of an African Portrait Painter’, invited paper at the Association of Art Historians, Edinburgh
‘Sir Walter Scott’, invited paper at the Heritage Convention: Museums and Cultural Identity’, National Museums of Scotland and Robert Gordon University
Keynote speaker, ‘Africa/Afriche: Revisioni del mito da Livingstone a oggi’, British Council and the University of Bologna
Panel Organizer and Chair, ‘Boundaries and Identities’, University of Edinburgh
‘Dr Livingstone Collects’, invited paper, Association of Art Historians, London
‘One Scottish Missionary, Two African Converts’ invited paper, Africans and Caribbeans [sic] in Britain, University of Edinburgh
(BBC Radio only- complete list for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation available on request)
“Bumper to Bumper” BBC Radio 4 One hour documentary on chrome as an icon of identity (concept, research, some interviews, script)
“On the Shelf” BBC Radio Scotland – four part series on material culture (concept, research, interviews, script)
“Johanna Blythman Talks Food” interviews on class, culture and cuisine for BBC Radio Scotland (concept, research, and I was the interviewee)
“The Usual Suspects” BBC Radio Scotland, one hour interview on multiculturalism and the arts alongside novelist Caryl Phillips and historian Angus Calder
“The Arts Tonight” – four radio letters on living in Scotland as a non-Scot for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (concept, research, writing)
“Quest for a Swedish Identity” with Professor David Stafford, one hour radio documentary, tape and transcript for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (concept, joint research, joint interviews, script)
“Kilts and Clans” one hour radio documentary for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, tape published (concept, research, interviews, script)
Appointments and Activities
Ancient Monuments Board
Member appointed by the Rt. Hon. Donald Dewar, First Minister in 1997 and reappointed 2001 through to the disbanding of the Board in 2003 (this Board advised the Secretary of State for Scotland on archaeological and heritage matters through its oversight functions for Historic Scotland)
The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
Elected Fellow 1997
Commonwealth Children
Steering Committee for a series of events in 1997 by Children in Scotland, Edinburgh
Lender to “Children of the Commonwealth” exhibition, Museum of Childhood, Edinburgh
Cockburn Association (The Edinburgh Civic Trust)
Council (Board) member 1994-2002
Management and Finance Committee 1999-2002
Organiser of their first Annual Lecture by journalist Magnus Linklater 1998
Doors Open Day for Edinburgh, A Council of Europe Architectural event. Organizer for 1994 and 1995