Robbie Bushe. Animations
In early 2018 Robbie Bushe began to experiment with hand drawn animation using a stop-motion app on his iPhone to record frame by frame. Initially these were fairly crude stream of consciousness ideas using performative vocals and sound effects driven by the animation. This lead to Robbie learning how to use the iPad app ‘Animation Pro’ which enabled him to create cut-out puppet animation against hand-drawn backgrounds. These soon became an extension of Robbie’s drawings for this project with the stories of the Neanderthals being recreated from fragments of our surviving DNA and living among us.

Trailer (56s, 2019)
Neoneanderthals (10m, 24s. 2019)
Return of the Neanderthals (3m, 39s. 2018)
The Last Neanderthal (15m, 48s, 2019)