DNA Cloning Chambers
The cloning chambers need to be close to forests, where the new Neanderthals can best adapt to hunting large beasts with their stabbing spears. 2018, 71 x 92cm
The Forest Transference Chamber
An underground den where scientific ‘boffins’ can stake out and transfer DNA from the wild and then create new Neanderthals in a chamber. 2019, 90 x 73cm
The Rural Underground Centre
This is a suburban outpost for returning Neanderthals to ‘the wild’. 2019, 93 x 75cm
The Laboratory Under the Office
A playful rendering of the 1950s sci-fi trope of secret laboratories set up under scientific offices, where tortures devices and compression chambers exist whose sole purpose is to recreate Neanderthals… for good or ill. 2019, 92 x 75cm
Ward of Delusion
Here the Neanderthals can convalesce and then be put through further testing. 2018, 92 x 75cm
The Provincial DNA Harvester
Much like the revolving door apparatus, this DNA harvester extracts modern human Neanderthal DNA while they go about their business. 2018, 92 x 75cm
The DNA Extracting Revolving Door
An ingenious laboratory where a revolving door extracts DNA covertly as the innocent pass through… 2018, 93 x 75cm