This is me this evening facing up to these monsters I have created over the last two months. I am meant to have photos to send to the galleries by Monday and I am still starting too many new ones and not facing up to the trickier thing of putting some of them to bed. This has been a particularly tiring week and quite a difficult one for personal reasons. But I have battled on each evening after teaching to try to muster enough energy to work. I have also to teach school kids tomorrow and for the next three Saturdays as part of a taster portfolio preparation course. So this leaves even less time to get these pictures finished and framed and sent off in time. I am going to have to do the framing myself using my college workshop as it will simply cost too much money to get a professional to do it. So there will be plenty of blinding and cursing about ‘pictures not being straight coming up.
Anyway here is what I have achieved this week…
(The yellow painting below is a reworking of a picture I began at the end of last year in Hastings – which is already posted on my galleries pages in an unfinished form. I quite like the mood of it now).