Spent five days last week back in Oxford. I was trying find a new flat before I came up to Edinburgh to teach on the Summer School. My luck ran out as i got a bad back as soon as I returned and found it difficult to get around. But thank you Anna so much for driving around newsagent of Oxford to find ads for rooms. So I had to move all my stuff to my studio on Saturday (thanks to Walter who helped me move). Did not manage to update my website with the Cyprus images which is a shame. Had just about enough time to prepare my work for my summer school class before i hopped on an easy jet flight to Edinburgh. I am staying with my brother Chris, who took me down his wonderful studio on Sunday morning. He is doing some amazing pictures at the moment and if he allows me I will post some pics of his studio if I get the chance to photograph it.
Had my first day teaching at the eca summer school today. I was surprised and delighted to see that one of my old degree show paintings is still hanging next to the college show. it is a big painting called ‘adventure in the kitchen’ (see degree show section of galleries for image). It is very crude but it has a great spirit to it and was an important work in my final year.
Teaching went ok. I have a group of 8 and we are in one of the fantastic old painting studios with huge windows looking over to Edinburgh castle. The fringe is on just now so I walked home through the Royal mile to see all the street performers. So today was a real walk down memory lane.