I had a great easter week off. I got my art at least started with a few drawings and then Catharine came up for the Easter weekend which was lovely. We walked and walked, went to galleries, shops, pubs and restaurants as you should on a bank holiday.
However, almost as soon as she had gone, I was struck down by a nasty flu/bug thing. Last week I was hanging the CCS lifelong learners exhibition with my colleague Derek Maguire and by the end of the week I could hardly walk. So this last weekend was spent being a bit miserable in bed. I did go into work briefly yesterday for the opening of the ccs, but it was a bit premature. So, I have been off work again today and am now feeling better (almost).
So, to keep me amused, I started a little project I have been meaning to start whenever I am stuck at home not able to do much; I started to digitise some of my old home movie tapes, so that I could put them on DVD. This evening, I found the video footage that was taken in my final year as a student at Edinburgh College of Art. This was actually shot by Liz Ogilivie, one of the lecturers, and I am not quite sure how I have a copy on tape (maybe I nicked it and it is the only one). Anyway, I decided to put some of it together into a little short. It shows painting students in my year working and some of their degree shows. And of course it shows me as a young student. I have put it onto You Tube, as I thought it might be of interest to student contemporaries of my time. For the record the clip shows the following people; John Brown, Cath Binns, Angelina Berry, Jane Hyslop, Nerys Ellery, John Houston (Lecturer), Greg Magee, Susan Pettinger, Bill Breckinbridge, Cathy Carpenter, Andrew Parkinson, Linda Henniker and Heather Mackenzie. It also features the work of Claire Banks, David Howard, Paul Rooney, but who are not in the video. I think that is it. I am now colleagues again with Jane Hyslop and John Brown and still see David Howard who is in Edinburgh. As for the rest I am not sure what they are up to. Perhaps they will discover they are on this video and get in touch… (and tell me to take it down). Anyway here it is…